Stopping The Kudzu Invasion


What is Kudzu?

Kudzu is a vine that originally came from Asia and some Pacific islands, specifically Eastern Asia (Japan, China, etc.), but settled well into many ecosystems here in the USA. It lives by grabbing onto a larger plant, and using it to gain sunlight. In doing so, the Kudzu eventually smothers its host tree, killing it. Kudzu, in the U.S., is commonly found in the southeastern states, but has also been found in certain areas of Oregan, Washington, and even parts of California.

Kudzu can grow to many meters long. It spreads quickly, and can kill large trees off. The best time for harvesting Kudzu is in the winter, because the rate of growing is greatly diminished.An effect it could have on our society is that through killing entire forests, kudzu impacts our lumber industry, because they don't have any wood to work with.

Kudzu leaves and vine

Kudzu leaves and vine

How Do You Stop It?

Kudzu, though hardy, can be harvested using sharp implements. A problem with cutting kudzu is that it can regrow extremely fast, as much as one foot in a single day.To kill it, you can dig up the roots, which will prevent growth, or if you are in possesion of herbivores, or there are many nearby, you can allow animals to graze on it.

Kudzu Invasion

Kudzu Invasion

Uses of Kudzu

Kudzu can be found in many recipes. If you have kudzu growing in your garden or backyard, you can harvest and cook it. Below are some links to some recipes that use kudzu.

Kudzu Bugs

Kudzu Bugs are relatives to the stinkbug. They are commonly found on kudzu vines, and are known to commonly invade nearby houses. When crushed, they emit a brown liquidy substance and a terrible smell. The remnants that may have gotten on any skin are known to cause allergic reactions.

Community Action Plan

First, we will go around infested neighborhoods, leaving the posters. This will educate people, and hopefully get them to do something themselves. We will also organize community drives, in order to try to get rid of kudzu. People can come to tell us if they have kudzu problems, and can ask for help. We can hope to try to eradicate kudzu in neighborhoods and urban areas.
